Monday, November 29, 2010

The Lord's Joy and Peace

My mom and my cousin have started a blog monthes ago and mom has been telling me I should start one. So I broke down and decided to.

The past couple of weeks I have been reading James in the bible every day. I have been doing devotions more and trying to figure out how to have more joy of the Lord in my life. Because that's what I want.. To be able to go through anything and everything and have the Lord's joy and peace despite it all. Even in small little things, when all you feel like doing is pulling your hair out!

I am watching Ki right now. She's a little girl I have been watching since before she was two monthes old. She is a pure joy to me. I have currently gotten four more kids to watch, which makes a total of 6 (not all at the same time!) I am supposed to watch two of them on mondays-thursdays  at 3:30-7. Well here it is Monday at 3:41 one of the parents calls and tells me that their schedule at work was switched and now they only need me on wed and thurs. ok cool, nothing about that bothers me cause I can always get more kids to watch at a different time then these children. the thing that bothered me was the day and time at which they called Monday at 3:41. So I took a minute and breathed because there's a specific verse in James that I have been reading that stuck out to me after I got off the phone. "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." Did I want to become angry. Yes I did. Because this is not the first time as a babysitter I have been treated like this (as in no respect in letting me know things til the last minute or not at all). But becoming angry does no good, plus it does not show the Lords character that he wants us to show as a christian. So I just took a deep breath. Texted my hubby and said I think we should put it in the newspaper lol.
So that's my spat for today.
The rest of my day has been pretty eventless.